What Types of Projectors?
A DLP projector works by shining a light through a micro mirror and an LCD screen onto the walls of the room. This “shines” the desired image onto to the walls for everyone in that room to see (as long as there are no windows in their way). Image source: https://na.panasonic.com/ This article will cover some general knowledge about DLP projectors. First, it will go into what types of projectors exist, including those that use other technologies such as LEDs or lasers. Second, it will break down how a projector at work works in general and what we know about its uses today. Image source: https://www.lg.com/ Third, it will discuss light sources and how they determine which type of technology is used. Last, it will cover some of the problems and issues that plague modern projectors, as well as how they can be fixed. There are many different types of technologies used to project images onto walls. Image source: https://pro.sony/ The major differ...